Friday 3 January 2014

2014 Writing Challenge Day 3

  • Day 3: Write about your happiest memory

   This task shouldn't be hard to do, but it kind of is. It's funny how the sad/tragic memories plant themselves in your brain, and you remember that one moment, but the happy memories (I've had many), aren't so easy to think of that one moment. I can think of so many moments that I consider to be some of my happiest. So, that's what I'll do, I will write more than one small memories. I've got three in my head right now, so I'll share those. There are more, of course, but these are the ones I'm choosing as my 'happiness'.
   The first one was in Seoul, South Korea in 2005. It was the one and only snow fall the entire year I was there. Seoul has the same seasons as Canada, but not as much snow. Anybody who knows me, knows that the first snow fall is my absolute favourite. I was missing it that year, and was so excited when that snow stayed on the ground. My friends (Susan and Sarah) and I went outside with our bottle of soju, and took pictures in the snow. We later went out to the bars, all with a happy 'snow high'.
   My second memory is my 30th birthday party in 2010. My friend, Denise, was the host, and gave me a wonderful celebration with friends and family. Again, anybody who knows me, knows that I love my birthday, and the celebration of me. I think what I really love about birthdays (and that one in particular), is all the people I love in one room. It's a room full of love and happiness. This is the reason all my birthdays are favourite memories.
   My third happy memory I want to share was a part of a trip to Mexico in May of 2013 with Clint. We went deep sea fishing, and I didn't realize how much I'd love the day. I wasn't the best fisherman in the world, but for my first time, it was pretty great. I just felt so at peace out there, watching the sea life, and hanging out with Clint. It was a perfect day.

   That's it for my memories. I didn't go into depth with any of them, but I don't think that was the point. Those were times, I loved, and can look back at with a smile. No regrets, no sadness, just peace. Like I said, there are lots of great memories in my life. These are just some 'snapshots' of moments.

And I'm attaching pictures of all three memories. The first is my 30th, second is Korea snow day and third is the fishing trip.

Talk tomorrow,

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please return the favour and Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

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