Monday 9 March 2015

Life List

March 9, 2015

Day 9

What's on your life/bucket list?

I've never heard it referred to as a 'Life List', but I like it a lot more than 'bucket list'. Mostly because I don't plan on doing things before I die. I just plan on living. (I actually would like to not die at all, but we'll see). I don't want any regrets about what I did or didn't do in life. Anything on my 'list' is great if it happens. If not, that's great too.

I don't have any sort of 'life list' written out anywhere, so this list is basically going to be things that I want today. That might change by tomorrow, but right now, these are things I want to do with my life.

  • I want to write. No matter what disappointments I face, I don't want to ever stop. If I don't have a computer to write on, then I better have a journal next to me. I don't want to give up, and even if I have given up, I still want to write. I would say I want to be a published novelist, but I also want my 'life list' to be something I can look at and say, "I did that." I want to write. I want to be happy writing. That's it. 
  • I want to participate in Nanowrimo every year I can. I also want to win it every year.
    (2014 Winner)

  • I want to travel. Everywhere. In Canada and Internationally. I don't want anything to hold me back. I want to see everything I can.
  • I want to be in love with my life and the people in it. 

(Loving Life)
  • I want to live a life with no more regrets. I want to look back on how I've lived life, and be happy with the decisions I've made. I don't want to second guess the way I did things. I want to do them, and be able to move on with my happy life. I want to make my choices for me and my loved ones. 

  • My goal is to go to as many live events as I can. Concerts, plays, street theatre... all the good stuff. I've NEVER regretted going to a concert, even if it was money better left in my bank account. 
    (Lady A)

  • I want Clint and I to spend our life together doing things we love. If we have kids, to teach our children what we love. If we don't have children, we will still love it all. 

  • I want to spend as much time with my friends (new and old) as I can. I haven't done enough of that lately. It's something I'll be doing more of.

  • I'll throw in the obvious. I want to spend a lot of time near mountains and ocean. 
  • I want to go on boat rides near dolphins and whales. 
  • I want to visit my friend in Australia. 
  • I want to try new wines and new foods.

I'm already working on all of these. Really my goal is to continue living, and continue loving my life. I think I can handle it.

March Prompts: Here gets you to another link and here.
As always,

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

©ErinLeahMcCrea All photos I share on my blogs are my own, please Ask Me For Permission Before Using Them.

Also, check out my ongoing book blog:  Proud Bookworm at: 

Blogs I used to write on but not being updated:

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